Department of Paediatrics
To be an exemplary department delivering exceptional service towards pediatrics department and wellness through equitable and unsurpassed quality and clinical care to support and develop the community.
To provide compassionate accessible and high quality health care to help every child leave the healthiest and most fulfilling life possible. Pediatrics department, SVMCH & RC comprises of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, senior and junior resident. It is a 120 bedded department, offering high quality treatment and care to both outpatients and inpatients and 24 hours service to all patients.
PICU is a specialized 20 bedded well equipped intensive care unit providing treatment and care to children and adolescent with common diseases and life threatening illness.
NICU is 20 bedded, providing intensive care and medical treatment to all newborns including extreme LBW and early preterm neonates.
We conduct special op daily and provide services related to specialized medicine like gastroenterology, cardiology, nephrology, hematology, endocrinology and neurology.
DIYA autism center –delivers services including evaluation, management and follow up of autistic children.
We cover immunization for all children according to national immunization schedule and also provide special vaccines on parents request.
We also provide health services to the community through health camps, school camps and also give talks on health education and nutrition education to general public to improve their knowledge.
Our facilities provide excellent services in academics including theory and clinicals for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Programme Specific Outcomes
Undergraduate Programme specific outcomes
Undergraduate students at the time of graduation will be able to apply fundamental knowledge and skills while treating pediatric cases. They will be able to asses the growth & development, early recognition and management of malnutrition.
They will be able to implement and monitor the National Immunization Schedule very efficiently.
Students will be able to identify and refer the life threatening childhood illness at the earliest.
Postgraduate Programme specific outcomes
Postgraduate students at the time of completion of their course will be able to apply their knowledge in Pediatric practice for screening, evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and early recognition of complications of commonly occurring childhood diseases in the community.
They should be able to handle common pediatric emergencies and neonatal resuscitation.
They should be able to evaluate and manage the multi system disorders, in collaboration with different specialist especially with pediatric surgeons for fruitful outcome.
They will be able to do basic research and innovation for the continuous development of Pediatric profession and for the benefit of society.
Head of the Department
Professor & HOD
Professor & HOD
Professor & HOD
Professor & HOD
Exclusive wards as per MCI norms
Advanced intensive care facilities like ventilators, CPAP, HFNC, Incubator,
Special Clinic
S.No | Speciality Clinics | Day |
1 | Paediatric Cardiology | Tuesday |
2 | Paediatric Nephrology | Monday |
3 | Paediatric Endocrine | Monday |
4 | Paediatric Hematology | Friday |
5 | Paediatric Gastroenterology | Daily |
6 | Paediatric Neurology | Thursday |
7 | Paediatric Neonatology-High Risk newborn | Saturday |
8 | Paediatric Well Baby Clinic | Wednesday |
9 | Paediatric Immunization | Wednesday |
10 | Paediatric Asthma | Tuesday |
11 | Paediatric Thalassemia | Friday |
The Under graduates undergo regular academic schedules as per the regulatory authorities like MCI and Pondicherry University. The teaching program includes theory, clinical, demonstration classes, viva etc.
CRRI’s are involved in patient care under the direct supervision of our faculty.
The Post graduates undergo regular academic activities likes seminar, case presentation, group discussions, symposium and journal club. They are involved in research activities like dissertation, paper and poster presentation in state and national conferences.
Post graduate’s Knowledge and Skills are assessed periodically. Interdepartmental meetings and monthly audit meetings are conducted, thereby giving opportunities for additional learning.
1 | Maheswari K, Lalitha Wadhawa D, Role of Consanguinity in Paediatric neurological disorders. International Journal of Contemporary Paediatric|2016; 3(3):2349-3291. |
2 |
Maheswari K, Lalitha Wadhawa D, Clinical Profile and Causes of mesenteric Iymphadenitis in Children. International Journal of Contemporary Paediatrics2016;3(2):p-2349-3283|e-2349-3291. |
3 |
Maheswari K, Lalitha Wadhawa D, Clinico-etiological profile and outcome of traumatic head injury in children-a tertiary care experience, International Journal of Paediatric Research 2017; 4(2) : 2349-5499.
4 | Maheswari K, Lalitha Wadhawa D, Magnitude,Clinical spectrum and etiology of hepatobiliary disorders in children a tertiary care experience. International Journal of Paediatric Research . 2017; 4(5 ):2349-5499.
5 | Jakanattane V, Sivakumar E, Rajkumar D, Kulandaivel M, Validation of Renal Angina Index (RAI) to improve the prediction of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) in critically ill children admitted topaediatric intensive care unit (PICU). International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics 2017; 4(6):p-2158-2164 p-2349-3283 e-2349-3291.
6 | Rajkumar D, Jakanattane V, Kulandaivel M, Study of Acute Kidney Injury in Critically Ill Children Admitted To Paediatric Intensive Care Unit of a Tertiary Centre IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) | 2017 ;4(6):2158-2164 p- 2349-3283 e- 2349-3291.
7 | DrKulandaivel M,Jakanattane V, Comparative Study of Akin Staging and Pediatric – Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss, End-stage Kidney Classification in Identifying Acute Kidney Injury in Critically Ill Children. International Journal of Scientific Study | 2017;5(2) p-2321-6379 e-2321-5958.
8 | Gnanasekaran S, Jakanattane V, Rajendran R.R. Study on the effect of material anemia on birth weight of term neonates among rural population India. Int J contemp Paediatr 2019;6(3)1255-1267.
| Maheswari K, Manikandasamy V, Shanmuga Arumugasamy S,Kiran Lakshman,Brinda.Magnitude and clinicoetiological profile of renal disorders in children – a retrospectivestudyintertiary care hospital.J paediatricres.2017;4(8):519 -524.
10 | Laxmanan K, Vengadakrishnan jakanattane. Clinical profile and outcome of scorpion sting envenomation in children at a tertiary care centre in South India. Indian J Child Health 2018; 5(7): 492-494.
11 | Murthy Kanakala , .Karunakar Pediredla, Rajendran Ramachachari Ramayi . Effect vitamin a supplementation on preventing recurrent acute lower respiratory tract infections in children . Int J Contemp Pediatr 2019;6(4):1632-1637.
12 | Kumar GA,Rajendran, Swaminathan. Identifying risk factors for development of diabetic ketoacidosis in type Idiabetic Mellitus.IJCP,2019;6(2):769-773.
13 | Karthika S, Mathivanan M, Maheswari K, Hiremath P. B, Jesintha Devi M. A study on role of LATCH scoring in duration of exclusive breastfeeding in a rural tertiary care hospital, Puducherry: a prospective study IJCP.2020;7(1):198-202.
14 | Janani Sankar,Venkateshwari Ramesh,Nagamalleswari.Etiological Profile And Outcome And Hypertransaminemia In Children. International Journal Of Pediatric Research.2020;5(9):451-4.
15 | Ramesh V, Venkata NMM,Sankar J. Mixed Malarial Infection With Pancytopenia In A Child With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: An Unusual Presentation: Indian Journal Of Medical And Pediatric Oncology.2017;38(1);92.
16 | Muddana Venkata Nagamalleswari .Diagnostic Armamentarium In Dengue, Leptospirosis And Scrub Typhus: Practical Pediatric Digest.2016;
17 | Yazhini E .Ramanadhan R. An Observational Study of Clinical Features of Scrub Typhus JMSCR.2017; 5(11);30654-3.
18 | Yazhini E .A study on laboratory features of scrub typhus International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics.2018; 5(5): 1828. |
19 | Kartha GB,Ramesh Kumar R,Mahadevan.S Randomized Double Blind Trial Of Rings Lactate Versus Normal Saline In Paediatric Acute Severe Diarrheal Dehydration. J Pediatric Gastroentrol Nutr. 2017;65(6):621-626.
| Jain P, Ramesh kumar R, Satheesh P,Mahadevan S. Effect of continous renal Replacement theraphy on outcome in paediatric acute liver failure: Is the clearance mechanism appropriate for detxoxification? Crit care med. 2017 45(5):e534-e535.
21 | Satheesh P, Ramesh kumar R,Mahadevan S, Jain P. Evaluation of the “Early” use of Albumin in Children with extensive burns: Were the differences Significant? Pediatr crit care med.2017;18(4):399.
22 | Krishnamoorty S,Singh r,Chandrasekaran V,Mathiyazhagan G,Chidambaram M,Deepak bharathi S,Mahadevan S.Basidiobolomycosis complicated by hydronephrosis and a perinephric abscess preaenting as a hypertensive emergency in a 7 – year old boy.Pediatric int care child health.2017;38(2):146-149.
23 | Ramesh Kumar R,Krishnamoorthy S ganesh RN,Mahadevan S,Narayanan P,Atheesh P, Jain P.Histopathological changes in septic acute kidney injury in critically in children: A cohort of ost-mortem renal biopsies. Clin Exp Nephrol 2016 :21(6):1075-1082.
24 | Prasanna kumar M, Krishnamurthy S,Venkateshwaran V,Mahadevan S.Lalitha M,Sisila S,Nagarajan K.Brainstem micro-absecesses caused by burkholderia pseudomallei in a 10 month old infant: a case report.pediatr in child health. 2016; 37(3):230-232.
25 | Sharma S, Chandrasekarn V, Krishnamurthy S,Mekala S, Mahadevan S.Koebner’s phenomenon in childhoold henoch- schonlein Purpura: A report of two cases.pediatr dermatol 2016 ;33(4):e249-5.
26 | Sharma s,Ramesh kumar R,Mahadevan S. Nacetylcysteine in cleistantthus collinus poisoning: A report of two cases in children.J Trop pediatr 2016 ;62(6):487-489. |
27 | Krishnamurthy S,Chandrasekaran V,Mahadevan S,Priyam vada PS,Rajesh NG.Severe acute kidney injury in children owing to infective andocarditis associated immune complex glomerulonephritis: a report of 2 cases.pediatrint child health 2017; 37:2: 144-147.
28 | Thiagarajan S,Krishnamurthy S,Ragavan R,Mahadevan S,Madhugiri VS,Sistla S.Streptococcus oralis cerebral absess following monkey bitein a 2 month old child infant.pediatr int child health 2016; 36(2):160-2.
29 | Kathirvel M,Mahadevan S. The roll of epigenetic in tuberculosis infection.Epigenomics. 2016; 8(4):537-49. |
30 | Varma SP,Dutta TK,Mahadevan,Nalini P,Basu D,Biswal N,Ramesh A,Charles D,Vinod KV,Harichandra kumar KT. A randomized study of very low dose factor VIII prophylaxix in severe haemophilis – A success story from a resource limited country.?Haemopilia. 2016 ;22(3):342-8.
31 | Krishnamurthy S,Jagadeesh A,Chandrasekaran V,Mahadevan S,Rajesh NG.Haemolytic uraemic syndrome with peripherial gangrene and Kawasaki disease in a 15 month old child.Pediatr int child health. 2017; 37(1):70-73.
33 | Jagadeesh A,Krishnamuthy S,Mahadevan A.Kawasaki disease in a 2 year old child with dengue fever.Indian J Pediatr 2016 ;83(6):602-3.
Kathirvel M,Saranya S,Mahadevan S, Epxpression Levels of Candidate Circulationg MicroRNSs In Paediatric Tuberclosis, icroRNA, microarray, diagnosis, biomarker … and validate the altered levels of circulating miRNAs in childhood TB. 2016;13(6):4620-6.
A Study on Estimation of Weight Using Muac And Length In Children 6 Months to 6 Years In Svmch & Rc,Puduchery. |
Dr.Jesintha Devi |
A Study on Role Of Latch Scoring In Duration of Exclusive Breastfeeding In A Rural Tertiary Care Centre,Puduchery A Court Study. |
Dr.Karthika |
A Cross Sectional Study on Prevalence of Overweight And obesity Among School Children In Urban Puducherry. | Dr.Rajendran(Guide) Dr.Syamily |
A Cross Sectional Study on The Correlation Between Postnatal Footlength And Various Anthropometric Parameters Along With Gestational Age | Dr.Rajendran Dr.Abhinaya Arunraj |
A Cross Sectional Study of Body Mass Index And It’s Impact on Peak Expiratory Flow Rate In Adolescent School Childran In Rural Puducherry. | Dr.Maheswari(Guide) Dr.Kandan |
A Study of Knowledge, Attitude, Practice Regarding Oral Rehydration Therapy Among Mothers of under five Children – A Hospital & Community Based Study. | Dr.Rajendran(Guide) Dr.Aathira Ravindran |
Prof. S. Mahadevan MD., PhD.,
He was the former Dean and Head of Department of Paediatrics, JIPMER , Puducherry . He also held the additional Deanship (i/c) of the School of Medical Sciences, Pondicherry Central University, Puducherry.
He was instrumental in starting of DM Pediatric Critical Care program at JIPMER from Jan-2015 onwards and Fellowship in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry from 2017.
As the Best Outgoing undergraduate of JIPMER (1974). He had guided PhD scholars and MD and DM students at JIPMER.
Dr.Mahadevan is the recipient of various awards including Sir James Flett Medal of Indian Academy of Pediatrics
JIPMER Research Day Oration (2016)
Prof Arnold H Einhorn’s Endowment Oration (2017).
He has held various positions as reviewer for Critical Care Medicine (CCMed) in Editorial Boards of Journals, in particular Wilderness and Environment Medicine of the Stanford University of USA and Arch Dis of Childhood (BMJ).
We have conducted various health camps and school camps in and around Pondicherry.
During natural calamity our department / Institute has gone out to Nagapattinam & Karaikkal for specific health care services.
And More.
- Early and Comprehensive Care for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder on 26.04.2016.
- AFP and Measles Surveillance on 22.08.2017.
- Dengue – Pondicherry forum on 05.11.2017.
- Common cases in Clinical Practice on 21.01.2018.
- Epilepsy evolving concepts on 10.02.2018.
- Storage Disorder in Children and Adult – How not miss on 09.11.2019.
Evidence based practice at Birth on 25.05.2019.
Workshop conducted:
- BLS /ALS Workshop on 19.6.2019
Sl.No | Year | Name | Designation | Currently Working |
1 | 2016 – 2019 | Dr. Sruthy Gnansekaran | Senior Resident | SVMCH & RC , Ariyur, Puducherry |
2 | 2016 – 2019 | Dr. Kanakala Sran Murthy | Consultant | M.K.Private Clinic, Guntur |