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Objectives of Sri Venkateshwaraa Alumni Association Puducherry (SVAAP)

Purpose of SVAAP

Executive committee / Office bearers of SVAAP:

Roles and Responsibilities of the Executive committee

Selection and Functioning of the Executive Committee:

1. The Executive committee shall be elected by the members by a process of a single transferable vote as per “The Representation of the People Act 1951”, as amended. The MoA (Memorandum of Association) and the Bylaws of the association are to be framed for the registration of SVAAPSri Venkateshwaraa Alumni Association Puducherry under the “Societies Registration Act 1860”.

2. The Executive Committee will normally remain in office for 5 years. But it may be extended for a period not exceeding six months by a resolution passed by two-thirds of members of the Executive Committee on special grounds regarding the impracticability of holding an election within time.
3. Any vacancy in the Executive Committee during its term of office shall be filled again by election provided the remaining period of the term of the Executive Committee is more than six months.
4. In case the place of The President or General Secretary or Treasurer falls vacant, the other members of the Executive Committee shall have the power to nominate one of the members of the Executive Committee for such a vacancy to hold office.
5. The General Secretary shall convene all Executive Committee meetings with a notice of seven days. Five members shall form quorum for such meetings.
6. An annual general meeting of the members shall be convened at least once in every year and not more than fifteen months shall elapse between two successive annual general meetings. The Annual Report, including the balance-sheet and the Auditor’s Report, shall be presented to the general meeting within six months of the completion of the year. The results of the election of office-bearers shall be declared at an annual general meeting.
7. SVMCH&RC Alumni website shall be designed with an online membership directory portal facility and the update of all the events organized by the Alumni association.
8. The Executive committee shall be responsible to conduct the following activities regularly.
a) Maintaining and updating directory of members.
b) Organizing alumni get-together for the following
      -General Body meeting
      -CME/Symposium/Seminar /Workshop
      -Cultural programs/Games

Registers to be maintained

The following registers are to be maintained by the alumni office within the institute.
1. Admission Register
2. Members Register
3. Circular Register
4. Minutes Register
5. Accounts Register for Receipts and Expenditure
6. Despatch Register

Memorandum of Association & Constitution

  1. The Name
    The Name of the Society shall be ‘Sri Venkateshwaraa Alumni Association Puducherry’.
  2.  The Registered Address and contact details:
               (a) The Registered Address of the Association shall be as follows:
                 Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical college Hospital & research center,
                    13/A, Pondy Villupuram main road, Ariyur, Puducherry-605102.
  3. Registration
                The Association has been registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 on 20-05-2020
  4. Objectives of the Association
    4.1 To bring all the past, present and future medical students of Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital & Research Centre (SVMCH&RC) under a single forum.
    4.2  To contribute in academic advancement, student support and mobilization of resources for student welfare and research.
    4.3  To cultivate and foster friendship among the present and past students and faculty of  Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital & Research Centre.
    4.4  To encourage the students to develop affection and gratitude towards Alma Mater and contribute to its progress in all spheres.
    4.5  To identify and recognize fellow alumni who are distinguished by their loyalty, professional achievement and community service.
    4.6  To organize scientific, professional, social and cultural programs and thus to promote continued professional and self-development.
    4.7  To encourage and contribute articles and research works to the college journal/magazines.
    4.8  To develop funding for the benefit of the association by donations, contributions, aids, membership fees and subscriptions.
    4.9  To promote contact and communication when needed for any services around the world by obtaining a geographic listing of members from the alumni office.
    4.10 To identify the needs of the alma mater and help in whatever way possible
  5. Governing body/ Executive committee (office bearers)
    The Governing Body of the Society is entrusted with the management of the Society. The Governing Body of the Society shall have a minimum number of ten members. The names, addresses, occupation , and the designation of the members of the Governing Body to whom the management of the society is entrusted, as required under the section 2 of the “SOCIETIES REGISTRATION ACT, 1860”.

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