Department of Anatomy
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- Department of Anatomy

Our department is committed to offer the best quality Medical Education in Anatomy to the students of all the Courses by state-of-the-art teaching methodologies in line with standards of statutory bodies as per the guidelines.

Our department is dedicated to the creation of competent medical students with appropriate knowledge and skills in Anatomy to understand the Human body parts which facilitate students to approach the patients for clinical examination and the imparted knowledge through dissection skills is needed to perform all kind of surgery in near future.
Programme Specific Outcomes
Our department is giving adequate academic activities to the undergraduate students and motivates them to get university ranks with 100% pass percentage in the summative examination. They are competent to attend and obtain prizes in the inter-collegiate quiz competitions.
Our department is providing academic excellence to the post graduates, so that they become a good academician and best research scholar. Because of their capability they can be easily absorbed by the good reputed institutions as faculty member.
Departmental Profile

- Dissection hall with adequate space with academic materials to teach 150 medical students at a time by faculty and supporting staff.
- Histology laboratory with space and materials to teach 90 students at a time by faculty and supporting staff.
- Two demonstration halls with adequate teaching–learning aids to accommodate 75 students each.
- Departmental library with 200 UG books and 60 PG books and adequate journals.
- Museum with displayed wet specimens of all regions of the body with illustrations, adequate dry specimens, colorful acrylic sheet three dimensional embryology models, radiology images and life size adult models.
- Research laboratory with all equipments to carry out histological techniques.
- Embalming room with machines and other required facilities to preserve cadavers.
Teaching methodologies employed
- All the divisions of Anatomy are taught with help of didactic lectures using Black board, LCD projectors, small group discussion, laboratory training and hands on training.
- Self assessment MCQs are given at the end of dissection of each region and discussed with faculty- in-charge.
- Self assessment MCQs are given at the end of dissection of each region and discussed with faculty- in-charge.
Student Welfare Measures
- The college has a mentorship programme for student support and mentoring of academic and social performances.
- The Dean, mentors & mentee meet periodically in an emerging situation and discuss the problems of the students both academically and socially/ individually and collectively.
- Students in low achievers category are identified, counseled and extra coaching classes are provided to enhance learning abilities to cope with the academic requirement.

- Ratnasamy, K Smitha Elizabeth, K Praveen, R Saranya A Case of Sirenomelia Found During study on Foetuse A Case of Sirenomelia Found During study on Foetuse International Journal of Medical and Applied Sciences.2014;3(4):40-45.
- Smitha Elizabeth, S Ratnasamy, M Jayasabarinathan, Premkumar. A Cadaveric study on variations of Median Nerve in the arm International Journal of Medical and Applied Sciences.2013;2(3):242-47.
- A.PJayasabarinathan.M, Ratnasamy.S,SmithaElizabeth.K High division of Brachial artery with superficial course of Radial and Ulnar artery in Left Forearm International Journal of Anatomy and Research.2013;1(2):75-77.
- SJayasabarinathan.M, Ratnasamy.S,SmithaElizabeth.K. An Unusual origin of left vertebral artery from the arch of Aorta – A case report International Journal of Medical and Applied Sciences.2013;2(3):142-146.
- ES Kore, RatnasamyS, RS Subbiah, P Madasamy. Unilateral multiple variations in upper limb J – Int J Anat Variations.2013;1(2):75-77.
- S.Ratnasamy,Dr.KalpanaSriram, VathsalaVenkatesan. Digital Neural Loops-A Rare Anatomic Variation J. Anat. Soc. India.2008;57(2):155-157.
- Shankar G, Muthukumaravel N. A morphological and morphometric study of foramen ovale in dry skulls of Indian population. Natl J Clin Anat. 2019;8 (1):38-42.
- Muthukumaravel N,Manjunath KY. Gender differences in the maxillary sinus volume: a study using computed tomography scans of a sample of Tamil Nadu population. Natl J Clin Anat.2016;5(3):138-142.
- Muthukumaravel N,Manjunath KY. A study on maxillary sinus dimensions by computed tomography in population of Tamil Nadu. Natl J Clin Anat.2016;5(2):91-96.
- Muthukumaravel N,Manjunath KY. A study on occurrence of third trochanter in the femora in northern Tamil Nadu region. Natl J Clin Anat.2015;4(4):86-189.
- Muthukumaravel N,Ravichandran D, MelaniRajendran S. Human calcaneal facets for the Talus: Patterns and clinical implications. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research.2011;5(4):791-794.
- Muthukumaravel N,Ravichandran D, DeeptiShastri. Objective structured assessment of dissection skills (OSADS) – a formative assessment tool. National Journal of Basic Medical Sciences.2011;2(2):87-91.
- Ravichandran D, Muthukumaravel N,Jaikumar R, Hirak Das, MelaniRajendran. Proximal femoral geometry in Indians and its clinical applications. Journal of Anatomical Society of India.2011;60(1):6-12.
- Ravichandran D, Muthukumaravel N,Prabakaran J. Acetabular profile and its correlation in south Indian population. Journal of International Medical Sciences Academy.2011;24(4):177-178.
- Muthukumaravel N, Ramachandra Rao K, Vishnu BhatB.Cytogenetic studies in infants with congenital malformations. CurrPediatr Res.2005;9(1&2):11-14.
- Dorali Malar, G. saraswhathi.A study of variations of renal vein and clinical significance. International journal of scientific research 2016;5(1): 78-9.
- Dorali Malar. A study of variations of testicular vein and its clinical significance. International Journal of Anatomy and research, 2016: 4(1): 1985-7.
- Dorali Malar. A study of Tibial nerve bifurcation and branching pattern of calcaneal nerve in the tarsal tunnel. International Journal of Anatomy and research, 2016: 4(1):2321-4287.
- Dorali Malar, G. saraswhathi. A Study of retro hepatic segment of Inferior vena cava and hepatic vein openings. International journal of recent trends in science and technology, 2015:17(1): 47-9.
- Dorali Malar, G. saraswhathi. Bilateral variation of forearm flexor muscles-A case report and clinical significance. National journal of clinical Anatomy.2012;1(1):40-3.
- Dorali Malar, G. saraswhathi The SupraclavicularisProprius Muscle-A case report of rare muscular anomaly. Anatomica Karnataka.2010:4(3):31-4.
- Sharmila saran rajendran, Senthilkumar anbumani, Arunasubramaniam, M S Thotakurabalaji, Hannah sugirthabairajilarajendran. Variable branching pattern of the common hepatic artery and the celiac artery. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research.2011;5(7): 1433-6.
- P J Jiji, Ashwin Krishnamurthy, Soubhaya R nayak, Sujatha d’ costa, Mangala M. pai, Latha V prabhu, senthilkumar, M K Lalitha .Aberrant deep flexor muscles of the forearm associated with the accessory origin of first lumbrical muscle. Hand therapy 2011;1(6):39 – 41.
- Mangala M. pai, Ashwin Krishnamurthy, Latha V prabhu, Manohar V. pai, Senthil A. kumar,Gavishiddappa A. Hadimani. Variability in the origin of the obturator artery. Clinics. 2009 ,64(9):897-901.
- Gnanagurudasan Ekambaram, Senthil Kumar, Sampathkumar. Histomorphological study of the endometrium in response to insulin resistance induced by High Energy Diets in Swiss Albino Mice. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2018;12 (6): AC07 – AC10.
- Gnanagurudasan E,Senthil Kumar S, Leena Dennis Joseph. Unopposed exogenous estrogen administration and its effect on the histomorphology of endometrium in swiss albino mice. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2017; 16(4): 122-6.
- Gnanagurudasan Ekambaram, Senthil Kumar Sampathkumar, Leena Dennis Joseph. Comparative study on the estimation of estrous cycle in mice by visual and vaginal lavage method. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017; 11(1): AC05-AC07.
- Senthil Kumar S, Gnanagurudasan E.Morphometry of orbit related to gender in dry adult skulls of south Indian population. International Journal of Health Sciences & Research. 2015; 5(9):207-14.
- Gnanagurudasan E,RiyazAhamed, Deepalaxmi.S, E.Gnanadesigan. A genderwise study on the morphometry of infraorbital foramen and its laterality in dry adult skulls of south Indian population. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2014; 3(5):546-8.
- Gnanagurudasan E,AhamedRiyaz, S.Deepalaxmi, Gnanadesigan E. A study on the anatomical variations of Acromion process in the dry adult scapulae of South Indian population. Annals of Health and Health Sciences. 2014; 1(2):113-6.
- DeepalaxmiSalmani, SujaPurushothaman, SaligramaChikkannasettySomashekara, Ekambaram Gnanagurudasan, KampliSumangaladevi, RecapuHarikishan et al. Study of structural changes in placenta in pregnancy induced hypertension. Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine. 2014; 5(2):352-5.
- EkambaramGnanadesigan, Anand P, Balumahendiran K, Gnanagurudasan E. Autonomic nervous system and type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2013; 3(18): 4-9.
- EkambaramGnanadesigan, Balumahendiran K, Gnanagurudasan E,Santhosh Kumar N. A systematic review of selenium and its role in human reproductive system. International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences. 2013;4(4): B 1-15.
- EkambaramGnanadesigan, B.C.Vastrad, Nafees, Anand P, Gnanagurudasan E,Balumahendiran K. A study on the autonomic efficiency in diabetic females of more than 10 years duration. International Journal of Medical Research and Health Sciences. 2013; 2(2):194-9.
- ChandrikaGurulingappaTeli, Gnanagurudasan E. Right sided sigmoid colon – Rare case. International journal of Biological and Medical Research. 2012; 3(2):1842-4.
- Jai Prabhu S P,PrabhuK . An insight into a disappeared mental foramen in an edentulous old age mandible. Journal of Critical Reviews,2020;7(4):840-841.
- Jai Prabhu, Jayakumari S, PrabhuK .Saraswatarishta reverses neuronal injury in brain tissues of scopolamine induced rat model. Journal of the Anatomical Society of India 2019;68(4):269-273.
- K Rathnakumar, K Ramachandran, D Baba, V Ramesh, V Anebaracy. Prevalence of dry eye disease and its association with dyslipidemia . Journal of basic and clinical physiology and pharmacology, 2018;29(2):195-199.
- V Ramesh, R Geetha, D Anitha, N Swamy, TT Panneerselvam. The study of thyroid dysfunction among type 2 diabetic patients. International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review, 2018; 3(9):14-18.
- K Rathnakumar, K Ramachandran, V Ramesh, V Anebaracy, R Vidhya. Prevalence of dry eye disease in Type 2 diabetic patients and its association with retinopathy. International journal of pharmaceutical & research, 2017;8(10):4298 – 4240.
- K Rathnakumar, G Rajagopalan, K Ramachandran, V Ramesh. Association between components of metabolic syndrome and elevated intraocular pressure. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2017;5(7):3053.
- R Kanimozhi, R Geetha, D Anitha, V Ramesh .A serological study of leptospirosis in Chennai. International Journal Res Med Sci 2016;4(1):268-271.
- R Jayaprakash, V Ramesh, MP Sridhar, C Sasikala. Antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract of Tinosporacordifolia on N-nitrosodiethylamine (diethylnitrosamine) induced liver cancer in male Wister albino rats. Journal of pharmacy &bioallied sciences. Journal of pharmacy &Bioallied science. 2015 (Suppl 1): S40 – S45.
- V Ramesh KPS Govindan, S Basha, , CN Kumar, S Swathi. A comparative study on serum lipoprotein (a) and lipid profile between rheumatoid arthritis patients and normal subjects. Journal of pharmacy &bioallied sciences. Journal of pharmacy &Bioallied science, 2015 (Suppl 1): S22 – S25.
- Ramesh, M. P. Sridhar, C. Sasikala, R. Jayaprakash. Antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract of Tinosporacordifolia on N-nitrosodiethylamine (diethylnitrosamine) induced liver cancer in male Wister albino rats. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences. 2015;7: S40-45.
- Venkatachalam Ramesh, RajagopalanGeetha, DevarajAnitha, NRVK Swamy1 and ThangarajanThanga Panneerselvam1. The Study of Thyroid Dysfunction among Type 2 Diabetic Patients.2015; 3: 14-18
- Ramesh, Sreekumarthamby. Study on Ethanolic Extract of Pitchavari: A Native Medicinal Rice from Southern Peninsular India. International Journal pharmaceutical Science. 2014;18:95-99.
- V Ramesh, R Jegadeesh, N Raaman, L Hariprasath, , R Srikumar. Hypolipidemic effect of Pleurotusdjamor var. roseus in experimentally induced hypercholesteromic rats. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2014;5(2):581-585.
- S Shrinuvasan, R Chidambaram, V Ramesh. Corpus callasol agenesis – an incidental finding. Indian Journal of Medical Case Reports. 201;3:33-36.
- S Shrinuvasan, R Chidambaram, V Ramesh. Noonan syndrome – A rare case report. Indian journal of medical case reports. 2014;3(1):12-16.
- R Muthukumar, R Chidambaram, V Ramesh. Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles from E. tirucalli and to check it antimicrobial activity. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2014;5 (2): 589.
- N Nandakumar, R Jayaprakash, T Rengarajan, V Ramesh. Hesperidin, a natural citrus flavonoglycoside, normalizes lipid peroxidation and membrane bound marker enzymes in 7, 12-dimethylbenz (a) anthracene induced experimental breast. Biomedicine & Preventive Nutrition.2011;1(4);255-262.
Postgraduate dissertation title: Cytogenetic studies in infants with congenital malformations
Research area of interest: Radiological anatomy, Medical education and osteology
Expertise related to research:
Founder Editor-in-Chief of National Journal of Clinical Anatomy (NJCA) which is official publication of Society of Clinical Anatomists of India, ran the journal for five years (2012-2016) and indexed in Index Copernicus International and IndMed.
Title of the Ph.D Thesis: Effect of Insulin Resistance and Obesity on the Endometrium of Swiss Albino Mice: An Experimental Study using High Energy Diets and Exogenous Hormone Administration.
Area of Research: Histomorphology, Metabolic syndrome and carcinogenesis, Reproductive cancer biology
Expertise: Estrous cycle estimation, tissue processing and staining, animal handling, vaginal lavage techniques, blood collection from the animals through retroorbital sinus, caudal vein, transcardial perfusion, anaesthesia administration, necropsy of animals.
Title of the M.Sc dissertation: Branching pattern of Internal Iliac artery
Title of the Ph.D. Thesis: Effect of Terminalia belerica against 2, 4-diethylnitrosamine induced liver cancer in male Wistar albino rats.
Area of Research: Cancer Biology, Neuroscience, Molecular Biology, Endocrinology.
Expertise: Cell Culture Technique, Histology Technique, Biochemical analysis, animal handling and perfusion, collection of blood, collection of organ, enzyme assay.
Dr. S. Ratnasamy:
- Jeyavelu Memorial Award for Anomalous origin of Right Coronary Artery in Tamil Nadu Anatomical conference in Tanjore 2000.
- M. Cooper Memorial award for persistent Median Artery – In Tamil Nadu Anatomy conference, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu – September 2005.
- Jewel of India Award for Outstanding Achievements – Indian Solidarity Council (ISC), New Delhi – 26 th May 2015.
- KalviSemmal Award given by Raj TV, AkadaVikadamprogramme in kambankalaiyarangam in Puducherry – 2012.
M.M. Cooper Memorial Best paper award for presentation in the 26th annual conference of Association of Anatomists of Tamil Nadu in the year 2003 held at AarupadaiVeedu Medical College, Pondicherry.
Dr. Malar:
Best teacher award –Basic science by BPT students, batch-2011-16, Batch 2013-14 and Batch 2018-19
Dr. E. Gnanagurudasan:
- Young Faculty Dissertation Award by the Association of Anatomists – Tamil Nadu for the year 2018 awarded on 13.10.18.
- Certificate of Excellence for best paper presentation – International conference on Exploring Anatomy & Genetics by modern research trends and education organized by AarupadaiVeedu Medical College and Hospital on 9th and 10th April 2018.
- I prize for best poster presentation at the 38th Annual national conference of Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists (IABMS) held at Saveetha Medical College from 27th November to 30th November 2017.
- II Prize for best oral presentation at the 38th Annual national conference of Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists (IABMS) held at Saveetha Medical College from 27th November to 30th November 2017.
- K. Sivaranjani, Puducherry University Gold medal for MD Anatomy year 2016-17.
- S. Gowri Shankar, Puducherry University Gold medal for MD Anatomy year 2018-19.
2007 – 2008 | Santhanalakshmi P | I Rank |
2008 – 2009 | Subhashri. S | I Rank |
Immanuvel Paul | II Rank | |
2009 – 2010 | Lakshmi Tejasri. C | II Rank |
2010- 2011 | Miss. Irudayamerlin | I Rank |
Miss. Saraswathi | II Rank | |
Mr. Senthamizh | III Rank | |
1 to 6 University ranks | ||
2011 – 2012 | Mr. Sairaman .H | I Rank |
Miss. Dhweni RA | II Rank | |
Mr. Pravinshankar . P. R | III Rank | |
100% pass (1 to 10 University Ranks) | ||
2012 – 2013 | Miss. Sudha. A. | I Rank |
Miss. Keerthana. M | II Rank | |
2013- 2014 | Miss. Swathi. V. | II Rank |
Miss. Swetha. G | III Rank | |
2014- 2015 | Miss. Thennarasi. K | I Rank |
Miss. Nandhini. M(Mukthithayagam) | IV Rank | |
2015- 2016 | Mr. Marcel. J | I Rank |
Miss. MahaKaviyaKiran M.P | I Rank | |
Miss. Fathima. S | III Rank | |
2016- 2017 | Mr. Pradossh. D | I Rank |
2017- 2018 | Miss. Priyadharshini. S | II Rank |
2018- 2019 | Miss. Keertheka. J | III Rank |
Embalming bodies for funeral purpose.
Year | Name | Designation | Institute |
2012 | Dr. R. Saranya | Assistant Professor | JIPMER, Karaikal |
2012 | Dr. K. Praveen | Associate Professor | Al-azhar Medical College, Idukki |
2013 | Dr. K. Sivaranjani | Assistant Professor | Govt. Chengalpattu Medical College, Chengalpattu |
2015 | Dr. S. Gowri Shankar | Tutor | ESI PGIMSR, Chennai |