Department of Biochemistry
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- Department of Biochemistry

To provide a high quality ISO, NABH & NABL accredited Diagnostic lab for promoting the standards in patient health care. Develop high standard molecular diagnostic tests with upgraded equipments to get accurate results for speedy recovery of patients from diseases.

Our motto is Creating Healthier Society “In order to achieve this, we establish a high class diagnostic approach for the betterment of patients health care and to follow the principles of our Scientific Research & Ethics with excellent academic activities and excel comprehensive care to the student’s community”. We make our students, to work as a team with attitude, knowledge and communication skills with good ethical consideration.

Programme Specific Outcomes
They should be able to
- Understand
- Biochemical and molecular processes involved in health and disease
- Importance of nutrition in health and disease
- Basis and rationale of Biochemistry laboratory tests.
- Demonstrate the ability to interpret the laboratory investigation results in clinical context.
At the end of the MD training program, the post graduate student should be able to
- Explain clearly the concepts and principles of Biochemistry and cell biology, including correlations of these with cellular and molecular processes involved in health and disease.
- Develop skills as a self-directed learner, recognize continuing educational needs; use appropriate learning resources and critically analyze relevant published literature in order to practice evidence based Biochemistry.
- Demonstrate competence in basic concepts of research methodology and epidemiology.
- Effectively teach Biochemistry to undergraduate students of Medical and Allied health science courses to make them competent health care professionals.
- Set up/Supervise /Manage a diagnostic laboratory in Biochemistry in a hospital, ensuring quality and reliable diagnostic service.
- Develop the desired managerial and leadership skills and function as a productive member of a team engaged in health care, research and education.
- Provide the knowledge of data regarding the laboratory investigations and interpretations with the consultation of clinicians for better management.
- Demonstrate the skills in documentation of reports.
- Conduct Clinical and Molecular research which has an impact on the patient health care and treatment modalities.
- Carry out a research project from planning to publication and be able to pursue academic interests and continue life-long learning to become more experienced in all the above areas and to eventually be able to guide postgraduates in their thesis work.
Departmental Profile

The department library is well equipped with 184 text books with 108 titles of latest editions and journals for both the undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Student Practical Lab
Student practical lab is equipped with 8 working tables to accommodate 90 students simultaneously. All work stations are attached with reagent racks, water sinks and properly maintained gas burners.
Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory (CBL)
The Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory is a well equipped, computerized, air conditioned laboratory providing round the clock patient care services. It is connected to Hospital Information System (HIS), by which laboratory results are electronically sent to patient care terminus in addition to paper reporting. Laboratory Internal Quality (IQ) is maintained periodically. Externally our laboratory quality is assessed by External Quality Assessment Scheme (EQAS) conducted by CMC, Vellore.TAMILNADU.
Central Research Laboratory (CRL)
CRL was started in 2012 with the mission of providing infrastructure and technical support for research activities in basic sciences and clinical sciences. It is equipped with all kinds of latest instruments which are needed to conduct research at Biochemical and Molecular level.
- The Department is involved in teaching programmes for M.D (Biochemistry), MBBS, BDS, B.Sc Nursing, Post Basic B.Sc Nursing, BPT, B.Sc.MLT and D.Pharm courses.
- It includes didactic lectures, tutorials, seminars, small group teaching and self directed learning based on the syllabus prescribed by the Pondicherry University and MCI. “MED-BIOQUEST” is an inter-college Biochemistry quiz competition conducted every year by Association of Medical Biochemists of India (AMBI) – Puducherry chapter for the I MBBS students of Puducherry state. Our students have regularly participated in quiz program. UG students are encouraged to participate in ICMR-STS program in order to make them learn the basics of research.
The post graduates should undergo full time residency program. There will be regular Symposium, Workshops, Seminars, Journal club, Case discussion and Self directed learning.
The objectives of the training course are –
- To teach requisite knowledge to the under graduate medical students.
- To teach laboratory skills to other medical / paramedical team members.
- To carry out routine investigations, internal quality control measures and data analysis in Clinical Biochemistry Lab.
- To do case presentations on regular diseases and work-up of rare laboratory findings.
- To inculcate the principles of research methodology, so as to enable the resident to write scientific paper for thesis, publication in reputed and indexed journals and presentation in national and international conferences.
- To update Log book & to do Thesis work.
- They should involve in advanced techniques in molecular level research activities.
- Suresh Pichandi, et al. Study the correlation of iodine nutrition and autoimmunity among thyroid disorder children in Tamil Nadu. Medpulse International Journal of Biochemistry, 2019; 11(2):47-51
- Priyatharshini M, Muraliswaran P, D V SatyamurthyThe predictive effect of Indian diabetes risk score in diagnosing diabetes among medical students in a tertiary care hospital – A cross sectional study MedPulse International Journal of Biochemistry. September 2019; 11(3): 104-107.
- RajendiranKalaiSelvi, Rajappa M, Chandrasekhar L, Thappa DM, Munisamy P. Immunophenotype of circulatory T-helper cells in patients with non-segmental vitiligo. PostepyDermatolAlergol. 2019 Aug;36(4):449-454. doi: 10.5114/ada.2019.87448. Epub 2019 Aug 30.
- RajendiranKalaiSelvi, Rajappa M, Chandrashekar L, Thappa DM. Association of Nod-like receptor protein-1 (rs2670660) and Toll-like receptor-4 (rs4986790) with non-segmental vitiligo: A case-control study in South Indian population. Int J Immunogenet. 2019 Oct;46(5):321-330.
- RajendiranKalaiSelvi, Rajappa M, Chandrashekar L, Thappa DM, PanneerDevaraju. Lack of association of IL-10 (rs1800896) and IL-13(rs1800925) with non-segmental vitiligo susceptibility in South Indian population. Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology. 29 Aug 2019.
- KalaiSelvi Rajendiran, Medha Rajappa, Laxmisha Chandrasekhar, Devinder Mohan Thappa, PanneerDevaraju. Association analysis of Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α promoter polymorphisms and vitiligo susceptibility in South Indian Tamils. Dermatology. Accepted for publication. 12 Dec 2019.
- RajendiranKalaiSelvi, Rajappa M, Chandrasekhar L, Thappa DM. Association of PTPN22 gene polymorphism with non-segmental vitiligo in South Indian Tamils. AdvDermatolAllergol 2018; 35 (3):280-285.
- M.Monisha , Dr. Radhika.G, Dr.Muraliswaran.PImpact of dialysis on serum electrolytes in end stage renal disease IOSR Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry (IOSR-JBB) ISSN: 2455 -264X, Volume 4, Issue 4( Jul-Aug 2018), PP 49-53.
- DesigamaniKanniyappan, Suresh Pichandi*, et al. Association, Relationship of Various Caronary Artery Disease Risk Factors with Age, Gender and Different Obesity Indices among the South Indian Adult Subjects: A Regression Analysis. International Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry. 2018;14(1): 27-43
- KavithaAyyanar, Suresh Pichandi*, et al. Evaluation of Glucose Oxidase and Hexokinase Methods. International Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry. 2018;14(1): 51-58
- Suresh Pichandi, et al. Study of iodine nutrition level in pregnant south Indian subjects in third trimester. Int J Clibio Res. 2017;5(1):143-147
- M. Priyatharshini, Dr .P. Muraliswaran, Dr. P. Kanagavalli, Dr. G. Radhika. The impact of naturally stored energy reserve of the body in different proportions on type 2 Diabetes mellitus in Puducherry. Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Volume 16, Issue 5 Ver. X (May. 2017), PP 39-42 .
- Priyatharshini, Dr .P. Muraliswaran, Dr. P. Kanagavalli, Dr. G. Radhika. The Effect of Oxidative Stress And Inflammatory Status In Pre- Diabetic Subjects. Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Volume 16, Issue 12 Ver. IV (Dec. 2017), PP 91-95.
- Gupta D, Chandrashekar L, Larizza L, Colombo EA, Fontana L, Gervasini C, Thappa DM, Rajappa M, RajendiranKalaiSelvi, Sreenath GS, Kate V. Familial gastrointestinal stromal tumors, lentigines, and café-au-lait macules associated with germline c-kit mutation treated with imatinib. Int J Dermatol. 2017, Feb;56(2):195-201.
- Rajappa M, Shanmugam R, Munisamy M, Chandrashekar L, RajendiranKalaiSelvi, Thappa DM. Effect of antipsoriatic therapy on oxidative stress index and sialic acid levels in patients with psoriasis. Int J Dermatol. 2016 Aug;55(8):e422-30.
- Ganesh. Evaluation of renal functions in hypothyroidism . IOSR journal of Dental and Medical sciences.2016: 15(1)
- Suresh Pichandi, et al. Hypothyroid goitre associated with excess iodine among outh Indians. Int J Med Pharm Sci. 2014;4(5):23–31.
- Priyatharshini M, Dr. Kanagavalli P, Muraliswaran P, Radhika G, Srikanth SA Retrospective study of thyroid disorders among women of reproductive age group in Puducherry. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and chemicalsciences, 2014;5(6): 749-53.
- KavithaUkkirapandian, Nirmala Natarajan, KanagavalliPrassanaraghavan ,Priyatharshini Mohan , Lakshmi Selvam . A Clinical Study On Effects Of Iron Deficiency Anaemia On Cognitive Function Among Undergraduate Paramedical Students. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health | 2014 | 3 (8) , 948.
- RajendiranKalaiSelvi, Ananthanarayanan RH, Satheesh S, Rajappa M. Elevated levels of serum sialic acid and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein: markers of systemic inflammation in patients with chronic heart failure. Br J Biomed Sci. 2014;71:29-32.
- Rajappa M, Sridhar MG, Balachander J, Sethuraman KR, RajendiranKalaiSelvi. Lipoprotein ratios as surrogate markers for insulin resistance in South Indians with normoglycemicnondiabetic acute coronary syndrome. ISRN Endocrinol. 2014; 981524.
- .N.Prithiviraj, Muraliswaran, S Sethupathy and D. Annadurai.A preliminary study on association of adiponectin gene polymorphism with type 2 diabetes mellitus patients inchidambaram-cuddalore-district. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research
Vol. 3, Issue, 4, pp.222 -225, April, 2012.
- Sivalingam N, Suresh Pichandi, Chapla A, Dinakaran A, Jacob M. Zinc protects against indomethacin-induced damage in the rat small intestine. Eur J Pharmacol. 2011 Mar 1;654(1):106–16.
- Suresh Pichandi et al. Comparative evaluation of the effect of statin drugs in Hyperlipidaemic patients. Int J Cur Biomed Phar Res. 2011;1:06–10.
- Suresh Pichandi et al. The role of statin drugs in combating cardiovascular diseases –Review. Int J Cur Sci Res. 2011;1:47–56.
- Suresh Pichandi et al. The Effect of Smoking on Cancer-A review. Int J Biol Med Res. 2011;2:593–602.
- Pasupathi P, Suresh Pichandi, et al. The effect of correlation between cardiac and biochemical markers in detecting cardiovascular disease in Diabetic patients. Int J Cur Bio Med Sci. 2011;1:72–81.
- Palanisamy P, Suresh Pichandi, et al. Chronic Tobacco Smoking and Gastric Cancer: A Review. Int J Cur Biomed Phar Res. 2011;1:48–66.
- Gold Medals in University Biochemistry Exams:
1 | 2013-2014 | C.S.Vignesh |
2 | 2014-2015 | Sri Devi Bala L |
3 | 2017-2018 | K.Sudhakshina |
- University ranks by UG students:
1 | 2010-2011 | I.Saraswathi | III |
2 | 2011-2012 | A. Lakshmi | II |
3 | 2013-2014 | C.S. Vignesh | I |
4 | 2013-2014 | V.Vimal Kumar | II |
5 | 2014-2015 | SriDevi Bala .L | I |
6 | 2014-2015 | Priyanka. S | II |
7 | 2015-2016 | G.Hariharan | II |
8 | 2015-2016 | K.P.Fathima Shabnam | III |
9 | 2017-2018 | K.Sudhakshina | I |
- University Medals in PG Exams:
Name of the Post graduate | Batch | University exam medal |
Dr. M. Monisha | 2016 – 2019 | Gold Medal |
S.No | Date | Topics |
3 | 28.11.2014 | CARDIAC MARKERS |
4 | 25-03-2015 | RENAL FAILURE |
5 | 06.03.2015 | DIABETES MELLITUS |
8 | 24.03.2017 | THYROID DISORDERS |
10 | 06.04.2018 | METABOLIC PROFILE |
Sl.No | Year | Name | Designation | Institute |
1 | 2012-2015 | Dr.M.Priyatharshini | Asst. Prof. | Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Puducherry. |
2 | 2013-2016 | Dr.T.M.J.Santhosha Kumari | Asst. Prof. | Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry. |
3 | 2016-2019 | Dr.M.Monisha | Asst. Prof. | Saveetha Medical College, Chennai. |