Chairman Message

Shri.B. Ramachandiran., M.Com
I have great pleasure in welcoming the students to Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital & Research Centre (SVMCH & RC) which has reached yet another milestone in its journey of over almost two decades, to live up to its motto of providing quality health care professionals focusing the health care services to the rural masses.
With well qualified and dedicated medical professionals, paramedical staff and managerial support, the medical college is committed to prepare the young medical professionals to create the modern rural & urban India free from the morbidity of infective disease burden with respect to all disciplines. We maintain high standards in medical education by providing dedicated talented faculty members with latest technologies in teaching-learning activities for both undergraduate & postgraduate students.
Our mission is to provide continuous in-house training for health care professionals for enhancing their clinical competence and improving the standards of health care. Customized treatment protocols for patients with due consideration for their economical, socio-psychological, cultural and spiritual requirements in addition to management of the disease is assured. An effective critical care service is rendered for patients in emergency and intensive care areas. The faculties are motivated to publish articles in journals with high impact factor, Pub Med/Scopus indexed journals.
Our vision is to provide patient-centered, time-bound, ethical, accessible and advanced healthcare at an affordable cost to meet the health care needs of our community. With the support of the various stakeholders, I wish to grow SVMCH&RC into a State Private University in the near future.
I hope the aspiring students who want to become well qualified medical professionals will make the best choice of selecting our Institution for both UG & PG courses..
I invite you to join enthralling journey into a bright future and my best wishes to all the budding medical professionals of our institution.