Department of Community Medicine



Leadership and innovation to promote resilience and wellness, personal growth and social responsibility in our learners. To be center of Excellence in imparting medical education in diverse specialties and to foster an atmosphere that is conducive to quality learning.


To provide an integral system of academic delivery that focuses on quality education, character development and superlative health care to ensure an effective and practical learning environment that is aligned with the needs of our society. To create a top notch health care system that delivers physical, mental and spiritual health needs to all socio-economic strata, locally, nationally and globally, and also to educate and train the students to emerge as an efficient doctor in the community.

Programme Specific Outcomes

The foundations that make for a great doctor are firmly rooted in basic science, clinical experience and in-depth research, and lie at the heart of curriculum implementation. The undergraduate MBBS and postgraduate courses follow the MCI guidelines.

Three main concepts are incorporated throughout the undergraduate course:

  • The scientific basis of medicine
  • Focus on patient care
  • Special emphasis on the unique skills essential for all students, such as communication, medical ethics, and professionalism
  • Learning aspects of hospital safety, waste management and safe medication communication are constantly applied.
  • Postgraduates undergo special training in research methodologies and statistical analysis which facilitate them throughout their careers.
  • The Skill labs offer training through simulation and tissue dissection which emphasizes their basic scientific basis.
  • We are involved in the education of superior physicians and specialists, and our college emphasizes the basic scientific disciplines and ethical and professional concerns necessary to achieve this goal.

Departmental Profile



Services delivered by the Department through Rural and Urban Health Training Centres:

Special Clinics

Evening clinic and special outreach camps at Government Primary Health Centre (PHC), Villianur: Department runs evening clinic and conducts special outreach camps, in coordination with PHC, Villianur, as a part of Memorandum of Understanding with District Health and Family Welfare Society.


The MBBS teaching program in Community Medicine is spread over a period of three and half years.

Undergraduate students are provided with state-of-the-art facilities to learn different aspects of community medicine through lectures classes, group discussions, problem solving exercises, Clinico-social case presentations and by posting them to various community based organizations in the Primary Health Care setting both in rural and urban areas including exposure to other NGOs / Voluntary Organizations. This helps them to acquire clinical acumen and communication skills to enable them to serve as effective and efficient primary health care physicians as per the MCI norms for an Indian medical graduate.

Teaching, Learning Tools & Activities

Training and facilitation of the learning process will be aided through the following methods of learning:

Course Contents


Field visits for Undergraduate Medical Students

Topics for Integrated Teaching

Assessment methods

Students at SVMCH & RC are under continuous Formative Assessment (PBL sessions, quizzes, assignments, clinical case discussions, and others). Summative Assessment would also be held (Mid-term, End-of-term, send-up and ward-leaving test) apart from the University examinations. The drawn up schedule will be published in the Academic Calendar. Their performance reports will be shared with parents via email notifications and by post regularly.

Post graduate training

Postgraduate students, in addition to regular training programmes in academics, undertake short term research projects, participate in community development activities, organize service camps, monitoring and evaluation of National Health Programmes and community surveys which equip them with academic, administrative and managerial skills to serve as effective professionals in any academic/research institution or public health organizations. The activities of the postgraduates are monitored and formatively assessed by the Department. Teaching and training of postgraduates in Community Medicine is directed towards achievement of the goal of “Health for All”.

Lecture discussions

On various topics like epidemiology, concepts in Community Medicine, statistics, nutrition, public health administration, research methodology, environmental sanitation, occupational health, international health and health systems.

Clinical Training

Pediatrics, Infectious Diseases, DVL – Importance should be given to the learning outcome rather than to the duration of the posting. After an initial posting for familiarization with the procedures and staff of the concerned department a “credit system” could be followed. In this the candidate would be required to follow up cases both in the wards and in the field. The management of the cases will be discussed with the staff members and “credit” given to the performance of the candidate. The duration of the postings could vary from two to four weeks. The “credit” given could be used for evaluation.

Learning Methods

  • Naik BN, Kar SS, Premarajan K, Sarkar S. Awareness about IUCD: As a method of contraception among the eligible couples of Ramanathapuram village, Puducherry. Indian Journal of Maternal and Child Health 2015;17(2): 1-8
  • Naik BN, Sahu SK, Kumar SG. Wound management and vaccination following animal bite: a study on knowledge and practice among people in an urban area of Pondicherry, India. Int J Community Med Public Health 2015; 2(4):501-505
  • Naik BN, Majumdar A, Sahu S. Understanding the perceived reasons and practices related to gender preferences in an urban population of Puducherry: an exploratory study. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2015; 2(3): 227-232
  • Kumar SG, Majumdar A, Kumar V, Naik BN, Selvaraj K, Balajee K. Prevalence of acute respiratory infection among under-five children in urban and rural areas of puducherry, India. J Nat Sci Biol Med 2015;6(1):3–6.
  • Kar SS, Narayanan SL, Ramalingam A, Naik BN, Sujiv AG. Burden of Occupational Health Problems and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in a Selected Industrial Population in South India: Should We be Concerned. J Cardiovasc Dis Res Vol 2015;6(3):117-123.
  • Ramachandran N, Srinivasan M, Thekkur P, Johnson P, Chinnakali P, Naik BN. Mobile Phone Usage and Willingness to Receive Health-Related Information Among Patients Attending a Chronic Disease Clinic in Rural Puducherry, India. J Diabetes Sci Technol 2015;9(6):1350–1.
  • Thekkur P, Reddy MM, Ramaswamy G, Naik BN, Lakshminarayanan S, Kumar SG. Medication adherence and its correlates among diabetes and hypertensive patientsseeking care from primary health care centre, India. International Journal Current Research and Review 2015; 7 (21): 33
  • Naik BN, Veerakumar AM, Manikandan S, Kar SS. Prevalence of Domestic Poisoning in a Rural Area of Tamil Nadu. Indian J Forensic Med Toxicol 2016 ;10(1): 11-13.


  • Naik B, Reddy M, Kanungo S, Kar S. Speed detection device in preventing road traffic accidents: A realistic approach in India!. J Fam Med Prim Care 2016; 5(3):741-2.
  • Thekkur P, Reddy MM, Naik BN, Subitha L, Kar SS. Attack rate and household secondary attack rate of acute conjunctivitis during an outbreak in South India: A community-based survey. Indian J Ophthalmol 2016;64(4):266–71.
  • Majella MG, Naik BN, Mahalakshmy T, Chinnakali P. Comment on the maternal and neonatal outcomes of gestational diabetes. J Fam Med Prim Care 2016;5(1):190–1.
  • Naik BN, Kar SS, Majella MG, Parthibane S. Does awareness on health hazards of tobacco use promote quit attempt? An observational study from urban Pondicherry. Int J Community Med Public Health 2017; 4 (5): 1787-88
  • Aggrawal S, Krishnamurthy S, Naik BN. Assessment of quality of life in children with nephrotic syndrome at a teaching hospital in south India. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 2017; 28 (3):593-98
  • Datta, Shib Sekhar, Rupesh Kanna, R & Rangaswamy, Surendar & S, Rajkumar. (2017). An epidemiological study into risk factors of suicidal ideation and attempt among young and adult population in rural Pondicherry, India. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. 4. 803-808. 10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20170762
  • Arthi M, Narayan K A, Surendar R, Lokeshmaran A. Quality assessment of nutritional components of Integrated Child Development Services provided in rural Puducherry. Int J Med Sci Public Health. (2018), [cited March 15, 2019]; 7(5): 338-341. doi:10.5455/ijmsph.2018.0925206022018
  • Radhika, B & N. Vrushabhendra, H & Surendar R & Arthi, S. (2018). Association of diet and physical activity with BMI among dental students in Puducherry. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health. 5. 3410. 10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20183071.
  • Radhika, B & N. Vrushabhendra, H & Surendar R & Arthi, S. (2018). Association of diet and physical activity with BMI among dental students in Puducherry. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health. 5. 3410. 10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20183071.
  • Radhika, B & N. Vrushabhendra, H & Surendar R & Arthi, S. (2018). Association of diet and physical activity with BMI among dental students in Puducherry. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health. 5. 3410. 10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20183071.
  • Hadaye RS, Thampi JG. Catastrophic health-care expenditure and willingness to pay for health insurance in a metropolitan city: A cross-sectional study. Indian J Community Med 2018;43:307-11


  • Thampi JG, Hadaye RS. Attitude towards and utilization of health insurance in a metropolitan city: A cross-sectional study – to be published in Volume 6, Issue 9 of IJCMPH, in September 2019


  • Thampi JG, Hadaye R. Morbidity profile and anthropometry among the elderly in an urban slum in Mumbai. Int J Community Med Public Health 2019;6:4352-6.


  • Naik BN, Rangasamy S, Vrushabhendra HN. Time management among undergraduate medical students: A study from a tertiary health-care teaching institution in Puducherry. J Integr Health Sci 2019;7:39-43.
  • Surendar R, Durgapriya G, Arthi M, Srikanth S. Quality of life among post – menopausal women in rural Puducherry. Public health Rev: Int J Public health Res 2019;6(3):112-118.doi:10.17511/ijphr.2019.i3.03.
  • Surendar R, Arthi M, Madhumadhi S, Saravanan R, Karrunya S, Srikanth S. Awareness on Health Insurance among a selected Urban Population in Puducherry. Nat J Res Community Med 2019;8(2): 176-179
  • Rangasamy S, Marimuthu A, Subramanian R, Narayan KA. Evaluation of revised national tuberculosis control programme in rural Puducherry. Int J Community Med Public Health 2019;6:3842-7
  • Vighnesh CS, Rangaswamy S, Arthi M. Awareness and practices of foot care in patients with diabetes mellitus in an urban area in Puducherry. Galore International Journal of Health Sciences & Research. 2019; 4(3): 150-157
  • Subramanian R, Rengasamy S, Arthi S. Maternal risk factors for low birth weight in neonates – A community-based prospective study in rural area of Puducherry. Int J Med Sci Public Health 2019;8(5):386-391
  • Arthi M, Surendar R, Srikanth S, Latha S, Radhika. Bio-medical waste management rules 2016. Are the health care workers aware? – Evaluation of an intervention. Int J Med Bio Studies 2019; 3(4)
  • Ramya MR,  Srikanth S, Surender Rangasamy, Vrushabhendra Halevoor Nanjundappa, Hemapriya S, Soumya Nambiar. Prevalence of internet usage among selected professional College students in Puducherry. Nat J Res Community Med 2019;8(1):15-19
  • Naik Bijaya N, Rangasamy S, Kanungo S, Vrushabhendra HN.Self directed learning readiness among undergraduate medical students in a tertiary care health institution in Pondicherry. Nat J Res Community Med 2019;8(1):20-24

Faculty Name



Dr. R. Surendar

Mother Teresa Award – for his excellence in service




Batch & Year

Title of the Event


Date & Year


2015- 3rd year

International Conference on “ Challenges in Management of Environment Diseases

Movie on Leptospirosis- 3rd prize

March 16th & 17th 2018


2015- 3rd year

World Youth Day organized by NACO

Won 1st prize in street play

September 21st 2018


2016-3rd year

National Voter’s Day- Inter-Collegiate competition

Won 1st prize in Group Dance

January 18th 2019


2016-3rd year

World Leprosy Day- CLTRI, Chengalpattu

2nd Prize in poster drawing competition

January 30th 2019


2018- 1st year

World Health Day- Tagore Medical college, Chennai

2nd Prize in poster presentation

April 8th 2019


2016- 3rd year


Won 1st and 2nd Prize for Model Presentation

6th September 2019
