Department of Forensic Medicine
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- Department of Forensic Medicine
The department is currently providing training for the undergraduate medical students. The department is equipped with state-of-the-art museum, student & staff laboratory, excellent spacious framework which can accommodate 75 students for comfortable teaching-learning activities.
The department has maintained a separate mortuary block with modern equipments and instruments. The morgue is sufficiently measured and is provided with two dissection tables with a well-equipped viscera storage room and a cold chamber amenity for preserving 8 bodies at a time. The mortuary block has the capacity to undertake two cases at a time and can accommodate 60-70 students at a time. Autopsy workload has been planned to be undertaken by the faculty and technical staff members of the department.
The department is vibrant and has done many CME’s, workshops and conferences till date. The department is unique in the sense that it has self-learning modules and one of the best forensic museums in the country.

To improve the specialized programs in the field of forensic medicine, toxicology and forensic sciences to pursue excellence in the discipline of Clinical Forensic Medical Services, to contribute to the health, wellbeing and safety of the future society.

The purpose of the department is to provide forensic medical services to the society and to provide specialized educational programs in the field of legal medicine, toxicology and forensic sciences to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Promote and facilitate greater co-operation between Clinical Forensic Medical practitioners with other participants involved in the legal system, such as the forensic scientists, legal practitioners, justice health providers and law enforcement and to foster a better understanding of Clinical Forensic Medicine, both within the medical profession and among the general public.

Programme Specific Outcomes
Generic Outcomes
- The graduate must be able to identify and define medico-legal problems as they emerge in the community and work to resolve such problems by planning, implementing, evaluating and modulating Medico- legal services.
- The graduate must be well versed in Medico legal autopsy & Clinical Forensic Medicine examination.
- The graduate must possess a rational approach to all medico legal cases based on his scientific knowledge.
- The graduate must possess enough knowledge on medical law, ethics, etiquette, practice, negligence and also on its recent advances.
- Identify and define medico-legal problems as they emerge in the community and work to resolve such problems by planning, implementing, evaluating and modulating Medico- legal services.
- The graduate must be able to educate stakeholders on medico legal issues
- Ability to manage medical and legal issues in case of poisoning / overdose.
Departmental Profile

Practical halls, Demo rooms, Research lab & Library: The practical hall is spacious and contains all the necessary materials for practical learning. The department research laboratory is well equipped with facilities for academic research activities. The departmental library cum seminar room contains good collection of books to update and for reference.
Mortuary: The department has maintained a separate mortuary block with modern equipments and instruments. The morgue is sufficiently measured and is provided with two dissection tables with a well-equipped viscera storage room and a cold chamber amenity for preserving 8 bodies at a time. The mortuary block has the capacity to undertake two cases at a time and can accommodate 60-70 students at a time. The autopsy room has open gallery for students to observe the procedure. Autopsy workload has been planned to be undertaken by the faculty and technical staff members of the department.
Department Museum: Museum is one of the well planned and furnished sections in the department. It contains good collection of wet specimens mounted in glass jars. The catalogues arranged along with specimens are available to students for self-learning. Museum also contains huge collection of poisons, weapons, skeletal remains. Poisons & weapons are displayed in glass cupboards. The corridor of the department is filled with informative charts and photographs of forensic importance.
Undergraduate Training
III & IV Semester | Schedule | Timings |
Monday of 4th week | Theory class | 08:30 am – 09:30 am |
Thursday of every week | Theory class | 09:30 am – 10:30 am |
IV & V Semester | Schedule | Timings |
Tuesday of every week | Practical class (B Batch) | 03:00 pm – 04:30 pm |
Wednesday of every week | Practical class (A Batch) | 03:00 pm – 04:30 pm |
Thursday of every week | Theory/Practical class | 03:00 pm – 04:30 pm |
Saturday of every week | Theory class | 08:30am – 09:30 am |
- Jai Prabhu, Jayakumari S, Prabhu K . Saraswatarishta reverses neuronal injury in brain tissues of scopolamine induced rat model. Journal of the Anatomical Society of India 2019;68(4):269-273.
- Jai Prabhu S P, Prabhu K . An insight into a disappeared mental foramen in an edentulous old age mandible. Journal of Critical Reviews,2020;7(4):840-841.
- Shankar G, Muthukumaravel N. A morphological and morphometric study of foramen ovale in dry skulls of Indian population. Natl J Clin Anat. 2019;8 (1):38-42.
- Gnanagurudasan Ekambaram, Senthil Kumar, Sampath kumar. Histomorphological study of the endometrium in response to insulin resistance induced by High Energy Diets in Swiss Albino Mice. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2018;12 (6): AC07 – AC10.
- K Rathnakumar, K Ramachandran, D Baba, V Ramesh, V Anebaracy. Prevalence of dry eye disease and its association with dyslipidemia . Journal of basic and clinical physiology and pharmacology, 2018;29(2):195-199.
- Gnanagurudasan E, Senthil Kumar S, Leena Dennis Joseph. Unopposed exogenous estrogen administration and its effect on the histomorphology of endometrium in swiss albino mice. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2017; 16(4): 122-6.
- K Rathnakumar, K Ramachandran, V Ramesh, V Anebaracy, R Vidhya. Prevalence of dry eye disease in Type 2 diabetic patients and its association with retinopathy. International journal of pharmaceutical & research, 2017;8(10):4298 – 4240.
- Gnanagurudasan Ekambaram, Senthil Kumar Sampath kumar, Leena Dennis Joseph. Comparative study on the estimation of estrous cycle in mice by visual and vaginal lavage method. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017; 11(1): AC05-AC07.
- K Rathnakumar, G Rajagopalan, K Ramachandran,V Ramesh. Association between components of metabolic syndrome and elevated intraocular pressure. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2017;5(7):3053.
- Muthukumaravel N, Manjunath KY. Gender differences in the maxillary sinus volume: a study using computed tomography scans of a sample of Tamil Nadu population. Natl J Clin Anat.2016;5(3):138-142.
- Muthukumaravel N, Manjunath KY. A study on maxillary sinus dimensions by computed tomography in population of Tamil Nadu. Natl J Clin Anat.2016;5(2):91-96.
- Dorali Malar , G. saraswhathi A study of variations of renal vein and clinical significance. International journal of scientific research 2016;5(1): 78-9.
- Dorali Malar. A study of variations of testicular vein and its clinical significance. International Journal of Anatomy and research, 2016: 4(1): 1985-7.
- Dorali Malar. A study of Tibial nerve bifurcation and branching pattern of calcaneal nerve in the tarsal tunnel. International Journal of Anatomy and research, 2016: 4(1):2321-4287.
- R Kanimozhi, R Geetha, D Anitha, V Ramesh . A serological study of leptospirosis in Chennai. International Journal Res Med Sci 2016;4(1):268-271.
- Dorali Malar , G. saraswhathi A Study of retro hepatic segment of Inferior vena cava and hepatic vein openings. International journal of recent trends in science and technology, 2015:17(1): 47-9.
- Senthil Kumar S, Gnanagurudasan E. Morphometry of orbit related to gender in dry adult skulls of south Indian population. International Journal of Health Sciences & Research. 2015; 5(9):207-14.
- V Ramesh, R Geetha, D Anitha, N Swamy, TT Panneerselvam. The study of thyroid dysfunction among type 2 diabetic patients. International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review, 2018; 3(9):14-18.
- R Jayaprakash, V Ramesh, MP Sridhar, C Sasikala. Antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract of Tinospora cordifolia on N-nitrosodiethylamine (diethylnitrosamine) induced liver cancer in male Wister albino rats. Journal of pharmacy & bioallied sciences. Journal of pharmacy & Bioallied science. 2015 (Suppl 1): S40 – S45.
- V Ramesh KPS Govindan, S Basha, , CN Kumar, S Swathi. A comparative study on serum lipoprotein (a) and lipid profile between rheumatoid arthritis patients and normal subjects. Journal of pharmacy & bioallied sciences. Journal of pharmacy & Bioallied science, 2015 (Suppl 1): S22 – S25.
- Ramesh, M. P. Sridhar, C. Sasikala, R. Jayaprakash. Antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract of Tinospora cordifolia on N-nitrosodiethylamine (diethylnitrosamine) induced liver cancer in male Wister albino rats. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences. 2015;7: S40-45.
- Venkatachalam Ramesh, Rajagopalan Geetha, Devaraj Anitha, NRVK Swamy1 and Thangarajan Thanga Panneerselvam1. The Study of Thyroid Dysfunction among Type 2 Diabetic Patients.2015; 3: 14-18
- Muthukumaravel N, Manjunath KY. A study on occurrence of third trochanter in the femora in northern Tamil Nadu region. Natl J Clin Anat.2015;4(4):86-189.
- Gnanagurudasan E, S.Riyaz Ahamed, Deepalaxmi.S, E.Gnanadesigan. A genderwise study on the morphometry of infraorbital foramen and its laterality in dry adult skulls of south Indian population. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2014; 3(5):546-8.
- Ramesh, Sreekumar thamby. Study on Ethanolic Extract of Pitchavari: A Native Medicinal Rice from Southern Peninsular India. International Journal pharmaceutical Science. 2014;18:95-99.
- Gnanagurudasan E, Ahamed Riyaz, S.Deepalaxmi, Gnanadesigan E. A study on the anatomical variations of Acromion process in the dry adult scapulae of South Indian population. Annals of Health and Health Sciences. 2014; 1(2):113-6.
- V Ramesh, R Jegadeesh, N Raaman, L Hariprasath, , R Srikumar. Hypolipidemic effect of Pleurotus djamor var. roseus in experimentally induced hypercholesteromic rats. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2014;5(2):581-585.
- Deepalaxmi Salmani, Suja Purushothaman, Saligrama Chikkannasetty Somashekara, Ekambaram Gnanagurudasan, Kampli Sumangaladevi, Recapu Harikishan et al. Study of structural changes in placenta in pregnancy induced hypertension. Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine. 2014; 5(2):352-5.
- S Shrinuvasan, R Chidambaram, V Ramesh. Corpus callasol agenesis – an incidental finding. Indian Journal of Medical Case Reports. 201;3:33-36.
- S Shrinuvasan, R Chidambaram, V Ramesh. Noonan syndrome – A rare case report. Indian journal of medical case reports. 2014;3(1):12-16.
- R Muthukumar, R Chidambaram, V Ramesh. Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles from E. tirucalli and to check it antimicrobial activity. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2014;5 (2): 589.
- Ratnasamy, K Smitha Elizabeth, K Praveen, R Saranya A Case of Sirenomelia Found During study on Foetuse A Case of Sirenomelia Found During study on Foetuse International Journal of Medical and Applied Sciences.2014;3(4):40-45.
- Smitha Elizabeth, S Ratnasamy, M Jayasabarinathan, Premkumar. A Cadaveric study on variations of Median Nerve in the arm International Journal of Medical and Applied Sciences.2013;2(3):242-47.
- Ekambaram Gnanadesigan, Anand P, Balumahendiran K, Gnanagurudasan E. Autonomic nervous system and type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2013; 3(18): 4-9.
- Ekambaram Gnanadesigan, Balumahendiran K, Gnanagurudasan E, Santhosh Kumar N. A systematic review of selenium and its role in human reproductive system. International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences. 2013;4(4): B 1-15.
- Ekambaram Gnanadesigan, B.C.Vastrad, Nafees, Anand P, Gnanagurudasan E, Balumahendiran K. A study on the autonomic efficiency in diabetic females of more than 10 years duration. International Journal of Medical Research and Health Sciences. 2013; 2(2):194-9.
- A.P Jayasabarinathan.M, Ratnasamy.S, Smitha Elizabeth.K High division of Brachial artery with superficial course of Radial and Ulnar artery in Left Forearm International Journal of Anatomy and Research.2013;1(2):75-77.
- S Jayasabarinathan.M, Ratnasamy.S, Smitha Elizabeth.K. An Unusual origin of left vertebral artery from the arch of Aorta – A case report International Journal of Medical and Applied Sciences.2013;2(3):142-146.
- ES Kore, Ratnasamy R, RS Subbiah, P Madasamy. Unilateral multiple variations in upper limb J – Int J Anat Variations.2013;1(2):75-77.
- Dorali Malar , G. saraswhathi. Bilateral variation of forearm flexor muscles-A case report and clinical significance. National journal of clinical Anatomy.2012;1(1):40-3.
- Chandrika Gurulingappa Teli, Gnanagurudasan E. Right sided sigmoid colon – Rare case. International journal of Biological and Medical Research. 2012; 3(2):1842-4.
- Dorali Malar , G. saraswhathi The Supraclavicularis Proprius Muscle-A case report of rare muscular anomaly. Anatomica Karnataka.2010:4(3):31-4.
- N Nandakumar, R Jayaprakash, T Rengarajan, V Ramesh. Hesperidin, a natural citrus flavonoglycoside, normalizes lipid peroxidation and membrane bound marker enzymes in 7, 12-dimethylbenz (a) anthracene induced experimental breast. Biomedicine & Preventive Nutrition.2011;1(4);255-262.
- Muthukumaravel N, Ravichandran D, Melani Rajendran S. Human calcaneal facets for the Talus: Patterns and clinical implications. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research.2011;5(4):791-794.
- Muthukumaravel N, Ravichandran D, Deepti Shastri. Objective structured assessment of dissection skills (OSADS) – a formative assessment tool. National Journal of Basic Medical Sciences.2011;2(2):87-91.
- Ravichandran D, Muthukumaravel N, Jaikumar R, Hirak Das, Melani Rajendran. Proximal femoral geometry in Indians and its clinical applications. Journal of Anatomical Society of India.2011;60(1):6-12.
- Ravichandran D, Muthukumaravel N, Prabakaran J. Acetabular profile and its correlation in south Indian population. Journal of International Medical Sciences Academy.2011;24(4):177-178.
- Sharmila saran rajendran, Senthil kumar anbumani, Aruna subramaniam, M S Thotakura balaji, Hannah sugirthabai rajila rajendran. Variable branching pattern of the common hepatic artery and the celiac artery. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research.2011;5(7): 1433-6.
- P J Jiji, Ashwin Krishnamurthy, Soubhaya R nayak, Sujatha d’ costa, Mangala M. pai, Latha V prabhu, senthil kumar, M K Lalitha .Aberrant deep flexor muscles of the forearm associated with the accessory origin of first lumbrical muscle. Hand therapy 2011;1(6):39 – 41.
- Mangala M. pai, Ashwin Krishnamurthy, Latha V prabhu, Manohar V. pai, Senthil A. kumar, Gavishiddappa A. Hadimani. Variability in the origin of the obturator artery. Clinics. 2009 ,64(9):897-901.
- S.Ratnasamy, Dr.Kalpana Sriram, Vathsala Venkatesan. Digital Neural Loops-A Rare Anatomic Variation J. Anat. Soc. India.2008;57(2):155-157.
- Muthukumaravel N, Ramachandra Rao K, Vishnu Bhat B.Cytogenetic studies in infants with congenital malformations. Curr Pediatr Res.2005;9(1&2):11-14.
- Undergraduate research work titled “Effectiveness of Educational Intervention on knowledge & Attitude about MTP Act 1971 among apparently healthy reproductive age group population visiting a tertiary care centre, Puducherry”(2017) – Miss Fathima – Completed.
- ICMR APPROVED– STS Research Project titled “Stature estimation from length of fingers in South Indian Population – A cross sectional study” (2018) – Miss Pournima – Completed.
- ICMR APPROVED– STS Research Project titled “Study of fingerprint pattern to evaluate the role of dermatoglyphics in early detection of hypertension among South Indian population” (2019) – Miss Raavi Rishitha – Completed
- ICMR APPROVED– STS Research project titled“ A study of palmar dermatoglyphics among asthmatics and non asthmatics in a tertiary care centre” (2019) – Mr. Aravind – Completed
- Undergraduate research work titled “ A comparative study on the palmar dermatoglyphics among diabetic{type2} and nondiabetic adults in South Indian population”(2019) – Miss Kavishree – Completed.
- ICMR – STS Research Project titled “ Palmar dermatoglyphics of head and neck cancer patients in a tertiary care centre of South India – A cross sectional study [ approval awaited] – Miss Niranjana – On process
- ICMR – STS Research Project titled “Stature estimation from foot length in South Indian population – A cross sectional study [approval awaited] – Miss Kalki – On process
Articles published from the department
- Reddy S, Somasundaram G.Acute toxicological evaluation of Pet-Ether extract of Portulacaoleracea on rodents. Int J Med Res Health Sci. 2013;2(2):7-13
- Bilodi AKS, Reddy SB. Study of elongated styloid process in human skulls along with its clinical and medico legal importance. Int J Health Sci Res. 2013;3(6):6-11.
- AKS Bilodi, BS Reddy. A study of nutrient foramina of fibula, its medico legal aspect and clinical importance in dentistry world.World J Pharm Pharm Sci. 2014;3(2):2133-44.
- Kumar KMR, Khaja S, Singh U, Panda SS. A study on pattern of injuries due to railway accidents occurring in Khammam region. Indian journal of Forensic Medicine and toxicology. 2018;8(2):72-76.
- Krishnamoorthy S, Bharathi OM, Rajesh DR, Kumar R, Singh A, Chawla H. Age Determination from Radiological Investigation of Epiphyseal Appearance and Fusion around Wrist Joint: A Cross-Sectional Study from Khammam Sch. J. App. Med. Sci., 2016; 4(7F):2685-2689.
- Krishnamoorthy S, Bharathi OM, Kumar R. Snake bite envenoming in Andhra Pradesh (Khammam Region),South India – An experience of 30 cases. Sch. J. App. Med. Sci., 2016; 4(10C):3749-3752.
- Kumar KMR. Tender Coconut Water Uses, Health Benefits, Good NutritiveValue and Antioxidant Capacity. Indian J Public Health Res Dev. 2018;9(4):184-188.Reddy E,Prabhakar,Geetharani R, Kumar KMR, Lakshmi T. Mohana, Rajini .Macronutrient Status in Children Aged 1-6 Years in and around Indian J Public Health Res Dev . 2014;9(4):174-178.
- James RJ, Gerard RJ, Jagdish CU, Sampath KP. A Prospective Study of Poisoning Cases due to Paraquat at a Tertiary Care Centre – Chennai. J Indian Forensic Sci.2016;38(4):397-99.
- Pournima, James, RJ, Roop K K, Siva RB, Feula JM. Stature Estimation from Length of Fingers in South Indian Population – A Cross Sectional Study. J Indian Forensic Sci 2019;41(4):226-28.
Name of the Student | Date of the event | Event & Venue | Award |
Dr. Roshan Dr.Sivabalaganesh | 28th and 29th July 2017 | National Quiz on Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, conducted by Thanjavur Medical College | III Prize |
Miss Pournima | 28th ,29th 31th Dec 2018 and 2th 3th Jan 2019 | Scientific paper presentation on “Stature Estimation from Length of Fingers in South Indian Population – A Cross Sectional Study” at MGMC& RC, Puducherry | III Prize |
Miss Pournima | 29th Sep. 2019 | Scientific paper presentation on “Stature Estimation from Length of Fingers in South Indian Population – A Cross Sectional Study” – SIMLA 2019 at IGMC & RI, Puducherry | I Prize |
Name of the Facuty | Date of the event | Event & Venue | Award |
Dr. J. James Rajesh | 9th June 2019 | Poster presentation at IMLEACON 2019, National Conference at Chennai, Category: Faculty – Topic : MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE & MISCONDUCT | I Prize |