Department of Microbiology
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- Department of Microbiology
- The Department of Microbiology is involved in teaching and imparting the Knowledge to the students there by enabling them in treating the patients with tender love and care.
- As the famous saying goes “It is not the microbes live among the human population but we humans live among the microbes” the microbe population outnumbers human population.
- For normal physiological functions of our human body with 30 trillion cells we need the help of microbes which resides within as well as in our environment.
- By teaching the importance of microbiology to the medical / Paramedical undergraduates & Postgraduates students, Department of Microbiology helps them to achieve a holistic approach in treating the diseases.

Our vision is to be an epitome provider of evidence based and holistic medical education which will be delivered to the desperate at the right time in the right place by the right person and also to establish an innovative, advanced and affordable laboratory diagnostics service to serve the common man under one umbrella.

“Our mission is to bring compassionate, accessible, high quality, cost effective laboratory services of International standards within the reach of every individual. We are committed to the achievement and maintenance of excellence in education, research and healthcare for the benefit of humanity”.

Programme Specific Outcomes
Under Graduate
- Understand the role of microbes in health and disease.
- Understand the immunological basis in prevention and control of disease.
- Ability to correlate the natural history, mechanisms and clinical manifestations of infectious diseases.
- Knowledge of the principles and the application of infection control measures.
- An understanding of the basis of choice of laboratory diagnostic tests and their interpretation.
Post Graduate
- To create a competent and an efficient clinical microbiologist.
- Interact effectively with the allied departments by rendering services in basic as well as advanced laboratory investigations.
- Demonstrate application of microbiology in a variety of clinical settings to solve diagnostic and therapeutic problems along with preventive measures.
- Play a pivotal role in hospital infection control, including formulation of antibiotic policy and management of biomedical waste.
Departmental Profile

- Department of Microbiology is well equipped in the diagnosis aspect.
- Our laboratory services are constantly upgraded and updated with state of art diagnosis strategy.
- The lab services are robust and fully automated.
- Regarding the teaching of students, the department strict adheres to the norms laid down time to time in the board of Governors, New Delhi.
- Department of Microbiology participates in the external quality assurance scheme (EQAS) run by the JIPMER, an Institute of national importance and CMC Vellore
Special Clinic
- Integrated Counseling and Testing Centre (ICTC) for HIV
- NTEP (National Tuberculosis Eradication Program- Designated Microscopy Centre) for Tuberculosis
- Hospital Infection Control Committee (HICC) – for Infection Prevention and Control in hospitals
- Every year from the Department of Microbiology the UG students of Medical and Paramedical courses pass out with flying colors and bag University Ranks.
- UG students are encouraged to participate in ICMR-STS program in order to make them learn the basics of research. PG students learn advanced techniques by involving themselves in molecular level research activities.
Short Term Students (STS) ICMR Projects | |||||
SL. No | Title of the project | Investigator | Co Investigator | Department | Period |
1 | Prevalence of Nocardia species among patients suspected of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in a tertiary care hospital | Miss. T. Savitha 2nd yr MBBS | Dr Swapna Asst. Prof. | Microbiology | 2015 |
2 | Susceptibility of antibiotic resistant bacteria to plant extract, Psidium guajava | Mr. George Gilford 3rd MBBS | Dr Joshy. M. Easow Prof. | Microbiology | 2015 |
3 | Prevalence of pulmonary mycoses among the clinically suspected cases of pulmonary tuberculosis in tertiary care hospital | Miss B.V.V.Durga Bhavani 2nd year MBBS | Dr J. Gerard Rakesh Assistant Professor | Microbiology | 2016 |
4 | Screening for nasal carriage of mupirocin resistant Staphylococcus aureus among health care workers in a tertiary care hospital | Miss. K.T.Elanithi 2nd year MBBS | Dr Joshy. M. Easow Professor | Microbiology | 2016 |
5 | A study on knowledge, attitude and practice of biomedical waste management among health care personnel in a tertiary care hospital. | Miss S. Monika 2nd year MBBS | Dr Swapna. M Assistant Professor | Microbiology | 2016 |
6 | “A study on Malassezia species from superficial infections” | Miss T. Saranyaa 2nd year MBBS | Dr Swapna. M Assistant Professor | Microbiology | 2017 |
7 | “A study on prevalence of bacteria and perception of hand washing among young school children” | Miss. T.Sathyapriya 2nd year MBBS | Dr J. Umarani Professor & Head | Microbiology | 2017 |
8 | Molccular characterization of PVL gene in MRSA isolates | Mr. Sundaramugilan.B 2nd year MBBS | Mrs. E. Kavitha Tutor | Microbiology | 2018 |
The publications of the department:
- Kavitha E, Srikumar R, Muthu G, Sathyapriya T. Bacteriological profile and perception on hand hygiene in school-going Children. Journal of Laboratory Physicians. 2019 Oct;11(4):300-303.
- Kavitha E,Srikumar R. Linozolid resistance in Staphylococcus aureus at a tertiary care hospital in Puducherry. Biomedicine 2019; 31(1),1-4.
- Kavitha E,Srikumar R. High-Level Mupirocin Resistance in Staphylococcus among Health Care Workers in a Tertiary Care Hospital. Pharmacology 2019; 1-4.
- Kavitha E, Srikumar R. Antibiotic susceptibility profile of Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus- A cross-sectional study. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development 2019; 10(2):245-250.
- B, DrVinod. R, DrRakesh Gerard. Bacteriological profile of chronic Osteomyelitis cases attending in a tertiary care hospital in South India with special reference to Staphylococcus aureus, Indian J Microbiol Res 2019;6(4):350-354.
- Margaret Theresa J, Gerard Rakesh J, Lavanya M. Role of Immunohistochemical Markers in Salivary Gland Neoplasms. Recent Advances in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; 2019;5(4):7-12.
- Kavitha E,Srikumar R, Muthu G. Inducible clindamycin resistance among clinical isolates in a tertiary care hospital. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2018; 11(11):5008-5012.
- Kavitha E,Srikumar R. Assessment of hand washing practices among school going children- A cross sectional study from India. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development 2018; 9(10):137-142.
- Elanithi K, Kavitha E, Easow JM. Screening for Nasal Carriage of Mupirocin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus among health care workers in a tertiary care hospital. Indian Journal of Microbiology Research. 2018;5(2):240-243.
- Muthusamy S, Varghese J, Raveendran V, Ezilarasan K, Easow JM. Evaluation of interobserver reliability of Nugent scores for diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis. Indian J SexTransm Dis 2018;39:120-123.
- Vinod R, Govindan S, Manju M, Prevalence and antibiotic pattern of group B Streptococcus among antenatal women attending a tertiary care centre in Puducherry, Indian J Microbiol Res. 2018;5(4):466-469.
- Shakthivel M., Suresh, V. C., Vinod, R. and Easow, J. M. Potential Role Of Cell phones In Hospital Acquired Infections, International Journal of Current Research 2017; 9(01),70-72.
- Effect of HemidesmusindicusExtract against Methcillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus from Various Clinical Specimens B. Vignesh Kanna, Kavitha, M. Swapna and Joshy M. Easow, IntJ.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci(2017) 6(7): 4305-4309.
- VinodRaveendran, Ganesan N, Manju M. Seroprevalence of Rubella among Female Healthcare Students in a tertiary care teaching hospital, Indian J Microbiol Res 2017;4(4):459-463.
- Srinivasan G, Muthusamy S, Raveendran V, Joseph NM, Easow JM. Unforeseeable presentation of Chryseobacterium indologenes infection in a paediatric patient. BMC research notes. 2016 Dec 1;9(1):212.
- Manju, Mishra S, Toora BD, Viyaykumar, R. Vinod. Relationship between glycosylated haemoglobin, nitrous oxide and mean arterial blood pressure. Int J Biomed Sci, 2014,10(4), 252-257
- SavithaHiremath, Renushri BV, Nagaraj ER.Phenotypic differentiation of class A and class B Carbapenemases in Enterobacteriaceae. Disease 2014;6(13),13-17.
- Renusri BV, SavithaHiremath, Nagaraj ER, Velvette Rose Shabong. Evolution of Different Carbapenems in Detection of Carbapenemase Producing Gram negative Bacilli. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 2014; 5(4),319-322.
- MannurSharada, NeeleshNaik, JyotiSwaroop, ShahaWaseem, SavithaHiremath, NagarajER.Effectiveness of chloroxylenol and chlorhexidine- Cetremide disinfectants of fungal isolates from clinically suspected cases of uncomplicated Otomycosis. Journal of Evolution of Medical and dental Sciences 2013;2(34),6411-6414.
- Mannur Sharada, Jayaram Ashok, HiremathSavitha, H. Mahesh, E.R. Nagaraj Comparative effectiveness of disinfectants with phenol on multidrug resistant bacteria and fungi isolated from the clinical sample- an in vitro preliminary study.Journal of Evolution of Medical and dental Sciences 2013; 2(18),3055-3056.
- Revathy S, Vinod R. Antimicrobial resistance pattern in a tertiary care hospital: An observational study. Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy, Vol 4, Issue 3, June – August 2013, Pg 56-63
- Latha R, Rajabaskar R, Kavitha K, SenthilPragash D, Vinod R. Otogenous Temporal Lobe Brain Abscess which was caused by Enterococcus fecalis. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2012 June vol-6(5)-902-904.
- Ragunathan L, Kavitha K, Raveendran V, Dhandapani SP, Jaget N, Kannivelu J. Aeromonas hydrophila urinary tract infection in pregnancy-Case report and literature review. Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2012 Jan 1;2(01):26-28.
- Vinod R, Dhandapany S P, Manju, Ivvala A S, VijayaRayapu. Seroprevalence of Rubella among Antenatal women in and around Kirumampakkam, Puducherry, International Journal of Bioassays, 2012, 01 (09), 74–78.
Under Graduate – University ranks
S. No | Year of Batch | Name of the Students | Rank |
1 | 2009 – 2010 | S. Priyanka. C.S | 1st Rank |
2 | 2011 – 2012 | H. Sairaman | 1st Rank |
3 | 2013 – 2014 | V. Vimal Kumar | 1st Rank |
4 | 2013 – 2014 | C.S. Vignesh | 2nd Rank |
5 | 2013 – 2014 | T. Elamathi | 2nd Rank |
6 | 2013 – 2014 | R. Dayanidhi | 3rd Rank |
7 | 2013 – 2014 | S. Fathvunnisa | 3rd Rank |
8 | 2015 – 2016 | S. Hemavathy | 1st Rank |
Post Graduates
S. No | Date | PLACE | Prizes / Awards if any |
Dr. B.Neeharika | |||
1 | 16.11.2018 | Anti microbial resistance pattern of ESKAPE pathogens isolated in a tertiary care hospital (Oral Presentation) | MICRO HORIZON, Melmaruvathur Adhipharasakthi Medical College ( First Prize ) |
2 | 24.10.2018 | Anti microbial resistance pattern of ESKAPE pathogens isolated in a tertiary care hospital (Poster Presentation) | Karpaga Vinayagar Medical College ( Second Prize ) |
Dr. Amirta Shukla | |||
3 | 7.10.2018 | National conference conducted by Chapter of Respiratory Medicine, Mumbai | 3 rd place |
- COVID19 Screening and sample collection
- Community surveillance of COVID19
CME Conducted by Department:
S. No | Date | Name of the Conference National / International | Conducted by |
1 | 08.02.2019 | Antibiotic Stewardship – Dr Jayapal | Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
2 | 26.07.2019 | RNTCP Update – Dr Mangaiarkkarasi | Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
3 | 21.02.2018 | Recent advances in Medical Sciences | Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
S. No | Name of the PG Students | YEAR | Designation | Work place |
1 | Dr. Rajeshwari | 2012 -15 | Associate Professor | Al Azhar Medical College, Idukki, Kerala |
2 | Dr. Usha | 2012 -15 | Assistant Professor | Belgaum Medical College, Belgaum |
3 | Dr. Jayapradha | 2012 -15 | Assistant Professor | SLIMS, Puducherry |
4 | Dr. Devesh Sharma | 2012 -15 | Assistant Professor | K.D Medical college, Lucknow |
5 | Dr. Deb Kalyani | 2013-16 | Consultant | Corporate Hospital, New Delhi |
6 | Dr. Geethalakshmi | 2013-16 | Assistant Professor | SVMCH, Ariyur, Puducherry |
7 | Dr. Sherin | 2013-16 | Assistant Professor | Beleivers Church Medical College, Kerala |
8 | Dr. Prabha | 2013-16 | Assistant Professor | MGMCRI, Puducherry |
9 | Dr. Ramya | 2015-18 | Tutor | MGMCRI, Puducherry |
10 | Dr. Revathi | 2015-18 | Medical Officer | Government General Hospital, Puducherry |
11 | Dr. Neeharika .B | 2016-19 | Tutor | SVMCH, Ariyur, Puducherry |