
Our Nurses are professional in their approach towards their work and we do our best to achieve this goal. Our nurses have exceptional communicational skills, effective interpersonal relationships, quick problem solving abilities and action oriented. They work in shifts, 24 hours a day, and put the doctor’s decisions into practice. The nursing leadership thus plays a key role in providing the direction and infrastructure to ensure that nurses are empowered to practice professionally and thus deliver high quality care. They are the backbone of treatment and contact persons during patients stay.
Behind the scenes they run many errands and perform many tasks regarding patients care in treatment. They are always caring about the welfare of the patients and solving their complaints at any time. Nursing Service is prime importance of our Institution, which supports and provides comprehensive patient care at the primary, secondary, and tertiary care level within our Institution.
The nurses are trained to not only execute the directions of a doctor; but also use theory and research based knowledge to provide direct and indirect care to the patients and their families. Patient education is another key factor of our patient care component. Patient education is important to enable individuals to better care for themselves and make informed decisions regarding medical care.
There is a comprehensive nursing concept which is oriented towards the patient’s needs which gives mental wellbeing which promotes the healing process. We provide three-year training in nursing care and which facilitates quality improvement.